佐藤時啓研究室 有志展
堤 有希 / Yuki Tsutsumi

Photo by Kenta Kawagoe
1986年 山形県酒田市(旧 八幡町)生まれ。武蔵野美術大学 工芸工業デザイン学科 テキスタイルデザイン専攻卒業後、株式会社布に勤務。2018年退社し、現在 東京藝術大学大学院 美術研究科 修士課程在学中。物質の空間性、または空間の物質性をテーマに、テキスタイルを主とした素材で作品制作を試みる。建築家とのプロジェクトで空間づくりにも携わる。「流れる瞬間、うつろう場所 Place out of Time」(瀬戸内国際芸術祭2019、2019)、「コンパスヨコハマ2019」(横浜美術館前 / グランモール公園 美術の広場、2019)、「あぶみあ~とそこが美術館」(国指定史跡 旧鐙屋、2020)
I am an artist making space using textiles and other materials. I sometimes collaborate with an architect. In my work, I consider with making a thing for space or whether a thing is formed as space. I have been researching spatial features and surroundings such as size of space, joint line of architectural materials, direction of space openings, history, climate, and local manner in order to create pieces which suitably fit to particular space. Intangible expanse become recognizable when I face with it under light. By discovering various color and shape of light in different situations and moments, I have been considering the essential meaning of “Space” as my life’s work. Space is a vague object and, consequently, visitor’s impression is changing by natural phenomena such as time, light, and one’s mental mood. For that reason, my works have ever-changing aspects to match those several situations. I firmly believe that pure reality and solid experience can only be exist in actual air and real environment.